Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta hospital. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta hospital. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Nowhere woman

El otro tuve mi primera cita con la obstetra que va a hacer el seguimiento de mi embarazo en el hospital donde voy a ir a parir a Bebito.
Antes de ir a verla hablaba con la Sra que se ocupa de otorgarte la tarjeta de identificación del  hospital.

La doña me hacía preguntas de este estilo:

Sra - "Estado civil? Casada, no?"
Yo - "No. En pareja" (para mis adentros cantaba Imagine all the people, living for todaaayyy)

Sra - "Cuál es tu religión?"
Yo- "No tengo religión" (para mis adentros cantaba "Nothing to kill or dieeee fooor, and no religiooon too")

Sra - "Sos ciudadana canadiense?"
Yo- Si. ("Imagine aaall the peopleeee, sharing all the woooorld")

Sra- "Donde naciste?"
Yo- Nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Sra - "Argentina... Argentina... no lo tengo en mi lista de paí está"  (Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)

Yo- "Cómo que no está? (de nuevo: Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)
 conozco varias argentinas que parieron en este hospital!! Mire bien, debe estar entre los primeros de la lista: Afganistan, Albania, Argelia, Andorra, Antigua y Barbuda (para mi este pais es una señora gorda y peluda), ARGENTINA, Armenia, Australia... tiene que estar!"

Sra - No, no está. (silencio) Y bueno, pongo "OTROS' y listo.

Y así estamos.

Hola, qué tal. Soy MeliSer, nacida en Otros, encantada.

Last week I had my first appointment with the OBGYN that will be doing my follow up in the hospital where i’m supposed to deliver Baby in a couple of months.
Before going in to see her, I had to get my hospital card.
These are the questions I had to reply in order to get the aforementioned card:

Card Lady – Marital status? You’re married, right? Me- Nope. I’m – whaddya call it?- Common law. (I was singing to myself "Imagine all the people, living for todaaayy")

Card Lady - What is your religion? Me - I don’t have a religion. ("Nothing to kill or dieeee fooor, and no religiooon too")

Card Lady - Are you a Canadian citizen? Me - Yes. ("Imagine aaall the peopleeee, sharing all the woooorld")

Card Lady- Where were you born? Me- I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Card Lady - Argentina... Argentia... Nope, I don’t have it here. It’s not on my list of countries. (Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)
Me- What do you mean you don’t have it on your list? (Again: Imagine there's no countrieeeees...) I know several women from Argetnina who gave birth in this very hospital... Please, check again... it should be one of the first countries on the list – you know, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Antigua, ARGENTINA, Armenia, Australia... it has got to be in there somewhere!

Card Lady - No, it’s not. Oh, well, I’ll just put ‘Others’.

So finally it has come to this: I’m MeliSer, from Others, nice to meet you.