El otro tuve mi primera cita con la obstetra que va a hacer el seguimiento de mi embarazo en el hospital donde voy a ir a parir a Bebito.
Antes de ir a verla hablaba con la Sra que se ocupa de otorgarte la tarjeta de identificación del hospital.
La doña me hacía preguntas de este estilo:
Sra - "Estado civil? Casada, no?"
Yo - "No. En pareja" (para mis adentros cantaba Imagine all the people, living for todaaayyy)
Sra - "Cuál es tu religión?"
Yo- "No tengo religión" (para mis adentros cantaba "Nothing to kill or dieeee fooor, and no religiooon too")
Sra - "Sos ciudadana canadiense?"
Yo- Si. ("Imagine aaall the peopleeee, sharing all the woooorld")
Sra- "Donde naciste?"
Yo- Nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sra - "Argentina... Argentina... no lo tengo en mi lista de países...no está" (Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)
Yo- "Cómo que no está? (de nuevo: Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)
conozco varias argentinas que parieron en este hospital!! Mire bien, debe estar entre los primeros de la lista: Afganistan, Albania, Argelia, Andorra, Antigua y Barbuda (para mi este pais es una señora gorda y peluda), ARGENTINA, Armenia, Australia... tiene que estar!"
Sra - No, no está. (silencio) Y bueno, pongo "OTROS' y listo.
Y así estamos.
Hola, qué tal. Soy MeliSer, nacida en Otros, encantada.
Before going in to see her, I had to get my hospital card.
These are the questions I had to reply in order to get the aforementioned card:
Card Lady – Marital status? You’re married, right? Me- Nope. I’m – whaddya call it?- Common law. (I was singing to myself "Imagine all the people, living for todaaayy")
Card Lady - What is your religion? Me - I don’t have a religion. ("Nothing to kill or dieeee fooor, and no religiooon too")
Card Lady - Are you a Canadian citizen? Me - Yes. ("Imagine aaall the peopleeee, sharing all the woooorld")
Card Lady- Where were you born? Me- I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Card Lady - Argentina... Argentia... Nope, I don’t have it here. It’s not on my list of countries. (Imagine there's no countrieeeees...)
Me- What do you mean you don’t have it on your list? (Again: Imagine there's no countrieeeees...) I know several women from Argetnina who gave birth in this very hospital... Please, check again... it should be one of the first countries on the list – you know, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Antigua, ARGENTINA, Armenia, Australia... it has got to be in there somewhere!
Card Lady - No, it’s not. Oh, well, I’ll just put ‘Others’.
So finally it has come to this: I’m MeliSer, from Others, nice to meet you.